Short Description: Ever had to let a perfectly enchanted pickaxe break because the game suddenly decided you weren't allowed to use your hard earned levels on repairing it, saying it's "Too expensive!" even though you'd be able to afford it? Well I've been there one too many times and decided to come up with a solution: Anvil Never Too Expensive - ANTE for short - simply removes this level cap entirely, letting you repair, rename, or enchant items no matter the cost, as long as you can afford to.
Ever had to let a perfectly enchanted pickaxe break because the game suddenly decided you weren't allowed to use your hard earned levels on repairing it, saying it's "Too expensive!" even though you'd be able to afford it? Well I've been there one too many times and decided to come up with a solution: Anvil Never Too Expensive - ANTE for short - simply removes this level cap entirely, letting you repair, rename, or enchant items no matter the cost, as long as you can afford to.Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/anvil-never-too-expensive
Short Description: Biomes O' Plenty is an expansive biome mod for Minecraft that adds a slew of new, unique biomes to the Overworld, Nether, and End! To go along with the new biomes, it adds new plants, flowers, trees, building blocks, and much more!
Additional Info: 70 NEW BIOMES!
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/biomes-o-plenty
Short Description: A simple keep inventory on mod. Never lose your items!
Additional Info: Whaaaaa!!
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/darkrtp
Short Description: Increases mob difficulty giving a better challenge in modded environments. Get that 'Dark Souls' effect now! | View Changelog
Additional Info: RUNNNN!
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/darkmobs
(Dont mess with Polar Bears!)
Short Description: Supported entities and items such as torches or lanterns will emit light by using the light block added in 21w13a.
Supported entities and items such as torches or lanterns will emit light by using the light block added in 21w13a.Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tschipcrafts-dynamic-lights-mod
Short Description: The original server-side only mod that gets rid of those annoying leaves floating in the air!
The original server-side only mod that gets rid of those annoying leaves floating in the air!Additional Info: No More Waiting!
Short Description: Legends said that many Piglins invaded the overworld, you can find ruins caused by the war with a interesting look.
Legends said that many Piglins invaded the overworld, you can find ruins caused by the war with a interesting look.Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hopo-better-ruined-portals
Short Description: Have you ever thought, how great would it be, when Minecraft had the basic vanila trapdoors in each plank variation?
Have you ever thought, how great would it be, when Minecraft had the basic vanila trapdoors in each plank variation?How To:https://teamjm.github.io/journeymap-docs/latest/
Short Description: Philip’s Ruins is a Minecraft ruins generator mod for Forge and Fabric, and it supports the latest Minecraft versions to date
Philip’s Ruins is a Minecraft ruins generator mod for Forge and Fabric, and it supports the latest Minecraft versions to dateSource: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ruins
Short Description: Randomly teleport anywhere in your current dimension.
Additional Info: Poof!!
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/darkrtp
Short Description: There is no traditional slotted inventory with these containers. Interaction is click-based similar to Jabba. Clicking on one of drawers on front will interact with that drawer.
BROKEN https://github.com/jaquadro/StorageDrawers/issuesSource: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/storage-drawers
Short Description: Structory: Towers adds immersive, biome-themed towers to the world.
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/structory-towers
Short Description: Terralith is a datapack (packaged as a mod for both Fabric and Forge) designed to fundamentally overhaul the overworld with new biomes and caves. It accomplishes this without adding any new blocks, making it fully compatible with vanilla clients.
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/terralith
Short Description: Villager Names gives all unnamed villagers a pre-defined name. This will name old and new spawns in the world. The mod contains a list of 5000+ names, one of which will be randomly chosen whenever an unnamed villager is detected. The profession of the villager is also visible on the trade screen. You can also use your own custom name lists, see below. There are various config options available to determine what should and shouldn't be shown on the villager trade screen. Professions will be localized in the game language.
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/villager-names
Short Description: Ever wonder why you can carry a stack of 64 empty chests in your pocket, but you can’t move a filled one with your bare hands? Well, wonder no more!
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/carry-on
Short Description: Durability Tooltip shows you the durability of an item!
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/durability-tooltip
Short Description: Help you keep your inventory sorted
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/inventory-profiles-next
This mod will:
• Help you keep your inventory sorted
• Replace your quasi-broken tool
• Dump everything in that chest with one click
• Move the items you have that are also already in the chest
• Lock item slots in place so that sorting ignores them
• Keep locked slots empty
• Allow you to press R+C to set your shortcuts
• Be pure client-side, so that it works everywhere
Short Description: Real-time mapping in game or in a web browser as you explore.
Real-time mapping in game or in a web browser as you explore.Additional Info:No more being lost!!
How To: https://teamjm.github.io/journeymap-docs/latest/
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/journeymap
Short Description: Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel.
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mouse-tweaks
Short Description: Stack Refill is a utility mod which automatically refills the itemstack in the player's hand if there is any of the same item in the inventory.
Stack Refill is a utility mod which automatically refills the itemstack in the player's hand if there is any of the same item in the inventory.Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/stack-refill
Short Description: A proximity voice chat for Minecraft with a variety of addons that offer additional features and functionalities.
A proximity voice chat for Minecraft with a variety of addons that offer additional features and functionalities.Source:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simple-voice-chat
Short Description: Additional Lanterns adds many new lanterns with different colors and materials! Lanterns can be turned on and off using an empty hand or with redstone.
Additional Info: Need a Light?
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/additional-lanterns
Short Description: "Advanced Finders" is a mod that adds several ore finders to make the mining process much more interesting and time-saving. With this mod, you will never miss the ore hiding behind the wall right next to you.
Additional Info: A metal detector that actually works!
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/advanced-finders
Short Description: Cycle Paintings is a minimalistic mod which allows players to cycle through placed paintings by right-clicking them with another painting in their right hand. Also works with modded paintings. You can also blacklist certain motives from other mods or the vanilla game from appearing during the cycle via the config.
Additional Info:
You can also crouch to reverse the cycle order and go back a motive.
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cycle-paintings
Short Description: Double Doors is a minimalistic mod which adds the ability for identical double doors, trapdoors and fence gates to be opened simultaneously. This can be done by clicking any of the (wooden) doors, or via a single pressure plate or button. By default the mod will also find other connected door-type blocks and open those, up to a maximum of 10 blocks away. This can be toggled in the config.
Additional Info: Close the Door letting all the heat out!!
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/double-doors
Short Description: Easy Mob Farm is a streamlined, server-friendly mod that allows players to capture and farm mobs for their loot. With customizable loot tables, experience collection, and automation, the Easy Mob Farm is perfect for those looking to simplify resource gathering while adding fun gameplay mechanics.
Additional Info: CAPTURE MOBSSSSS!
Short Description: Healing Campfire creates an area around the campfire where players and/or passive mobs receive the regeneration effect in a configurable radius.
Additional Info: Warm Campfires... Ahhh..
Short Description: So since so many likes my decoration mods, I decided to give paintings a shot. It is a completely new direction where I am heading, so expect a lot of updates for this mod.
Additional Info:Additional Paintings
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/macaws-paintings
Short Description: Trash Cans adds Trash Cans which can be used to void items, fluids and energy! Items and Fluids can be whitelisted or blacklisted and an energy transfer limit can be set!
Additional Info:
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cycle-paintings
Short Description: A quest mod for Fabric featuring custom made quests to improve your vanilla gameplay
Additional Info:
Source: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/darkquesting